Hierdie armband is jou daaglikse herinnering dat ons elkeen uniek geskape is. Moenie jouself vergelyk nie want jy is nie mooi soos iemand anders nie, jy is mooi soos JY.
PSALMS 139:14 Ek loof U, omdat ek so vreeslik wonderbaar is; wonderbaar is u werke! En my siel weet dit alte goed.
Grootte: 6x5cm
💙Blue Unique bracelet 💙
This bracelet is your daily reminder that we are each uniquely created. Don't compare yourself because you are not beautiful like someone else, you are beautiful like YOU.
PSALMS 139:14 I praise You, because I am so terribly wonderful; wonderful are your works! And my soul knows it all too well.
Size: 6x5cm